RESERVE The CAP-e Test Results

(NDLR : Traduction libre, la version officielle est en anglais)

L’essentiel du rapport se trouve dans la section des résultats. S’il vous plaît, gardez à l’esprit que le but du CAP-e test consiste à déterminer si les antioxydants sont capables de pénétrer dans des cellules vivantes et de les protéger des dommages oxydatifs. Étant donné qu’un effet protecteur a été observé et qu’un IC50 a été atteint, nous avons pu générer un nombre CAP-e et établir qu’il y a une pénétration biologique antioxydante extrêmement importante et une protection générée par le produit.

Pour un produit complexe comme celui-ci, avec des composés antioxydants et des propriétés de solubilité très différentes, il a été convenu que des tests dans des solvants aqueux et non aqueux fourniraient la meilleure appréciation de la protection antioxydante pour les cellules vivantes. En appliquant les deux méthodes d’extraction, vous obtenez une meilleure compréhension de l’activité biologique et de la protection antioxydante biologique qu’en utilisant un seul solvant.

Nous comprenons que l’un des nombreux ingrédients antioxydants est le resvératrol. Ce composé a une certaine solubilité, mais elle est limitée dans l’eau. Il ne contribue donc qu'un peu à l’extrait d’eau CAP-e. En revanche, il contribue probablement beaucoup plus à l’éthanol CAP-e.

Les autres ingrédients ont d’autres propriétés de solubilité.

Un avantage distinct et supplémentaire du CAP-e, c’est que des résultats positifs peuvent suggérer d’autres essais biologiques. En raison des résultats positifs du produit RESERVE™ de Jeunesse® au CAP-e, Les laboratoires NIS proposeront des tests supplémentaires qui pourraient données significatives additionnelles.


Numéro du rapport: 77-0056-03
Date du test: 24 mars, 2010
Date de réception: 5 mars, 2010


The CAP-e value is provided as uM Gallic Acid (GA) per mL liquid test product. This measurement reflects the relative antioxidant protection of cells by the test product per weight, compared to the known antioxidant, Gallic Acid. Protocol reference: NIS/CAPe/AAPH/20090803.

The CAP-e assay is used to test whether natural products contain antioxidants capable of entering into and protecting live cells from oxidative damage. Thus, when any protective eect is seen in the CAP-e assay, it shows a biologically meaningful antioxidant protection by the product. In addition, the CAP-e assay is useful for comparing diferent production lots of the same product and for dose comparison between different test products or ingredients.

The CAP-e value is provided as uM Gallic Acid (GA) per mL liquid test product. This measurement reflects the relative antioxidant protection of cells by the test product per weight, compared to the known antioxidant, Gallic Acid. Protocol reference: NIS/CAPe/AAPH/20090803.

The complex product Jeunesse® RESERVE™ contains both aqueous and non-aqueous antioxidant compounds. In this testing, extracts were prepared in aqueous solution and ethanol in parallel, to evaluate the antioxidant protection provided to live cells from either extraction method. This data serves to provide more detailed information about the product, and also helps planning of further testing in cell-based models.

The graphs above show the average of each duplicate set of data points for the serial dilutions of the product. For each data point, vertical bars show the standard deviation for each duplicate data set. When duplicate values are almost identical, the standard deviation bars may not be visible.

The IC50 is a measure of the eectiveness of a compound in inhibiting (in the case of the CAP-e assay) oxidative damage. If the product is potent enough to show more than 50% inhibition within the dose range tested, then an IC50 can be calculated.

The point on the graph where the red IC50 line intersects the curve reflects the IC50 dose of the test product, i.e. the dose that provided 50% inhibition of oxidative damage. This IC50 dose is compared to the IC50 dose of the known antioxidant Gallic Acid (which is used as a control in the assay), resulting in a CAP-e value reported in Gallic Acid equivalent units.


For each solvent, a 5 mL sample of the test product is used. Each test product is added to the solvent and mixed by inversion and then vortexed. Solids are removed by centrifugation at 2400rpm for 10 minutes. The supernatant of the products is removed and then filtered for use in the CAP-e assay. Serial dilutions are prepared from each filtered supernatant in 0.9% saline at physiological pH.

Red blood cells were treated in duplicate with serial dilutions of a test product. Samples of untreated red blood cells (negative controls) and samples of red blood cells treated with oxidizing agent but not with an antioxidant-containing test product (positive controls) are prepared in hexaplicate. The antioxidants not able to enter the cells are removed by centrifugation and aspiration of supernatant above the cell pellet.

The cells are exposed to oxidative damage by addition of the peroxyl free-radical generator AAPH. Using the indicator dye DCF-DA, which becomes fluorescent as a result of oxidative damage, the degree of antioxidant damage is recorded by measuring the fluorescence intensity of each test sample. The inhibition of oxidative damage is calculated as the reduced fluorescence intensity of product-treated cells, compared to cells treated only with the oxidizing agent. The CAP-e value reflects the IC50 dose of the test products, i.e. the dose that provided 50% inhibition of oxidative damage. This is then compared to the IC50 dose of the known antioxidant Gallic Acid.

Voir: la fiche de produit Reserve

Voir: The CAP-e Test Results en pdf

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